Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Smart dog...

Just a quick update for everyone who has been following Polly's progress, Polly is settling in really well but is getting a little frustrated being confined most of the day. Polly is a very clever little dog & has worked out that if she tips her water bowl over in the cage she then gets taken out so guess what?? Our poor canine attendants are now trying to find an non tip water bowl for Polly as she does it three to four time a day. Very clever!!

Polly's surgery wound is healing well & she is having physiotherapy three time a day to keep the leg moving & keep the blood circulating through the muscles & tissue. Polly loves her physiotherapy & lies there enjoying all the attention & then demanding more. Many thanks to all the people who have sent in adoption application forms & once Polly has been given the all clear we will be working our way through all the applications. Hopefully this will be in mid January & we will keep updating you with stories of Polly and photos.


Nanju said...

Thankyou for the update on Polly. So pleased you have had offers for a good home for her. My heart still lurches when I see her photos. Please give her a special hello and hug from us.
Her rescue Mum

Welcome to Room 3's Blog said...

Room 3, Lower Moutere School in Nelson are happy to see that Polly is okay. We all wish we could adopt her. We think she is a clever dog for knocking over her bowl.

We wish we could all give her a big hug.

Room 3.