Monday, November 17, 2008

Puppy with broken leg left hanging in garage

A badly injured puppy may have to be put to sleep after she was left dangling upside-down in a garage, choking on her lead, in an horrific case of animal cruelty.

The puppy was hogtied with industrial tape and her leg was badly broken, most likely by a blow from a blunt instrument, says Auckland SPCA Inspector Todd Neal.

Inspector Neal says the case is the most bizarre he's seen, but the SPCA has no proof who caused the injuries, so it is unlikely to be able to prosecute.

He dubbed the five month-old german shepherd "Polly", after Apollo St in Warkworth, north of Auckland, where she was found in a garage beside an empty house. Neighbours told Inspector Neal that they followed the puppy's howls to the unlocked garage, at about 11pm on November 4 [more...]

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