Monday, May 11, 2009

Roll out the Red Carpet ... Polly Goes to Hollywood

Did you know that Hollywood for dogs is called Doggywood?  Well, it is.  I’ve even got a photo to prove it...

A few Sundays ago, I went to Purina’s ‘Bark in the Park’ event at Waiatarua Reserve in Auckland.  I had a wonderful few hours there, sniffing lots of other dogs, wearing a bandana given to me by a lovely lady, munching on treats, watching an awesome agility show and having this photo taken with my family.  That’s me in the middle of the shot, with Fred and Decca the guide dog stud, and our mum.

After the excitement of the event, we went for a swim at a nearby pond, and I played in the surrounding mud with lots of other pups.  What a great day – getting all wet and mucky with a crowd of new friends!  My brothers and I were so exhausted when we returned to our car, that we slept for five hours without stirring.

Mum was able to get lots of jobs done at home while we snoozed, so everyone was happy by day’s end.  Mum even gave us a shampoo and a massage, and then a rub down with a special new brush that she has bought to remove the fluff from our undercoats.   By bedtime, we were all clean and shiny and ready for sleep.  Now that the evenings are cooler, I snuggle up closely to Decca and Fred on our blankets.  We sleep soundly and dream sweet thoughts until the morning, when we enjoy delicious breakfast and a new day of adventures begins. Oh, this is the life, I say.

Love from Polly xx

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